HP Indigo 7000 notches up first sale at the show

The sold sign went up on the machine yesterday on the Currie Group stand as the Minahans of Digi-We-Doo signed on the dotted line.

The HP Indigo 7000 is the fourth Indigo for the company which is dedicated to digital printing. The company has always favoured Indigo for its quality. Digi-We-Doo, which has been in operation for 23 years under various guises, produces a broad range of digital print for a predominantly creative client base of advertising agencies and graphic designers.    
Each time a new Indigo is released the Minahans upgrade to the latest model. Mike said this purchase “is four and counting. And it’s bigger, better and faster.”  
In addition to “run of the mill” digital print work such as brochures and promotional materials, the company does a significant volume of personalised print using Direct Smile software. Mike believes the market for these jobs “will only grow in the future. In the US and Europe the market for personalisation is huge and a trend that I believe will flow on here also.”
To date Digi-We-Doo has specialised in short run digital work with runs of 2,000 at the upper limit. But the new HP Indigo 7000 is about to change that. The Indigo 7000 brings extra volume and productivity and volume capability.
“The new press will make us more competitive on longer runs,” explained Mike, adding that with greater capacity and faster production speeds the 7000 will further boost the company’s repertoire.

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