The year ahead: Joan Grace, PrintNZ

The economic climate of 2009 has provided challenging conditions for the New Zealand print industry. Business owners have had to make tough decisions with regard to laying off staff, cutting back hours or even closing the doors for good.

On a brighter note, economic forecasts indicate the start of a recovery in 2010, with growth of 2.2% forecast for the New Zealand print industry. The outlook to 2012 is optimistic, with growth forecast at 4.7%.

These statistics feature in the 2009 PrintNZ Industry Survey publication, which contains a wealth of information and data supplied by members and economics consultancy firm Infometrics.

During 2010 PrintNZ will continue to work on a number of projects to benefit our members and the print industry as a whole, the most significant being our project to raise the profile of print. During 2010, PrintNZ will launch a public marketing campaign to improve the image of the print industry and promote print as the preferred means of communication.

This initiative has been developed based on research commissioned during 2009 on print buyers and consumers perceptions of print. The marketing campaign focuses on the theme of print being “part of life” and playing an important role in families, relaxation and education.

Positive messages around the paper recycling rates in NZ will also feature. PrintNZ is now encouraging its members and other interested parties to sign up as Print Champions to support the campaign and maximise the benefits for the industry.

Also on the agenda for 2010 is the PrintNZ Conference from 11-13 October. The conference promises to deliver a high calibre of speakers on topics relevant to people working in the print industry.

The conference is a very worthwhile professional development opportunity and we look forward to seeing people attend from both sides of the Tasman.

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